Do I have to log in to view HC-CARGO’s eCat?

No, there is no password required to search in our HC-CARGO eCat. However, a username and password is required to use the HC-CARGO e-Commerce facility.


What does the search engine look for?

The HC-CARGO search engine looks for matches against:

  • HC-CARGO product references
  • OEM and Competitor Cross References
  • KBA number (German market only)
  • Vehicle Models


How large is your online product range?

Our site covers our entire HC-CARGO program which consists of over 30,000 HC-CARGO components


Do I need to include any punctuation or spaces in my search?

eCat searches numbers by default; no spaces or dashes are necessary


Is the search case sensitive?

No, the search is not case sensitive.


Do I need to enter a full OEM Reference?

No, the search engine will search for partial matches. Searches will be done against the beginning of the reference.